Apr 19, 2009

Blur photo banner with sound

Using this thoroughly explained, detailed flash lesson, you will see how to create trendy and advanced blur photo banner with sound. You don't have to use action script code to make this banner. This banner, you can use for any presentation or flash animation. Using this lesson, you will also learn how to import any photos into a flash library, how to move any photo from the flash library on the flash stage using the Selection Tool (V) and drag and drop technique, how to convert any photo into a flash stage, how to apply blur filter on it and much much more!


Step 1

First, download photos that we will use for this photo banner.

Step 2

Create a new flash document. Press Ctrl+J key on the keyboard (Document Properties) and set the width of your document to 250 pixels and the height to 188 pixels. Select white as background color. Set your Flash movie's frame rate to 434 and click ok.

Step 3

Call the current layer photo 1. Double-click on its default name (Layer 1) to change it. Press Enter once you have typed in the new name!

Step 4

Choose File > Import > Import to Library. In the file explorer window that appears, find a five photos and Shift-click to select them all. Then click open. If you now open your flash library (Ctrl+L key) you will see five photos that you just imported.

Step 5

Select the Selection Tool (V) and using the drag and drop technique, move the first photo from the Library on the stage!

Step 6

While the photo is still selected, go to the Align Panel (Ctrl+K) and do the following:

1. Make sure that the Align/Distribute to Stage button is turned on,
2. Click on the Align horizontal center button and
3. Click the Align vertical center button.

Step 7

After that, while the photo is still selected, press F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Step 8

Click now on frame 10,50 and 60 and hit F6 key on the keyboard.

Step 9

While you're still on frame 60, place photo on the position like it is shown on the picture below!

Step 10

After that, select the Selection Tool (V) and click once on the photo to select it. Then, go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3) below the stage. After that, select FIlters tab on the left side, click on plus icon and choose Blur. Then, choose the following options:

Step 11

Go back now on the first frame, and place the photo on the position like it is shown on the picture below!

Then, repeat step 10.

Step 12

Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 1 and 10 and frame 50 and 60 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.

Step 13

It's time for sound, so create a new layer above the layer photo 1 and name it sound 1!

Step 14

Download now my example file (fla) at the end of tutorial and open it into a flash. After that, open my flash library (Ctrl+L), find my sound file, select it and press Ctrl+C key (Copy). After that, go back on the flash stage of lesson, select library and press Ctrl+V key (Paste). See the picture below!

Step 15

Select the first frame of layer sound 1 and move sound file from the flash library on the flash stage using the Selection Tool (V) and drag and drop technique.

Step 16

After that, select frame 50 of layer sound 1 and hit F6 key again. Then, move again sound file from the flash library on the flash stage. See the picture below!

Step 17

Create now a new layer above the layer sound 1 and name it photo 2.

Step 18

Click now on frame 60 of layer photo 2 and hit F6 key. While you're still on frame 60, move the second photo from the flash library on the flash stage.

Step 19

While the photo is still selected, hit F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Step 20

Click now on frame 70, 110 and 120 and press F6 key.

Step 21

While you're still on frame 120, repeat steps 9 and 10.

Step 22

Go back now on frame 60 and repeat steps 11 and 10.

Step 23

Right-click anywhere on the gray area between frame 60 and 70 and frame 110 and 120 on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.

Step 24

Create a new layer above the layer photo 2 and name it sound 2. After that, click on frame 60 of layer sound 2 and hit F6 key. While you're still on frame 60, move the sound file from the Flash Library on the flash stage again.

Step 25

Click now on frame 110 and hit F6 key. While you're still on frame 110, repeat the previos step.

We're done now with the first two photos.

Repeat this process also for every other photos

Have a nice day!

Download example

Porcelain doll - SS

Porcelain doll - SS

5 JPG | 1968 x 2529 pix | 9.0 Mb l Rs

Apr 17, 2009

Infinite Gallery / Menu

In this new and interesting Flash and ActionScript 3 tutorial I will teach you how to create an infinite gallery. This will also work perfectly for menus and so on. Let’s get started straight away!

Note: You need TweenMax in order to fully complete this tutorial.

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

Getting the images

Download six images (100×100) that you want to use in this tutorial. I downloaded the images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Flash Movie Image 1Flash Movie Image 2Flash Movie Image 3Flash Movie Image 4Flash Movie Image 5Flash Movie Image 6

Creating the Flash document

Create a new Flash (ActionScript 3) document of size 500×200. Make the background black.

Importing the Images to Flash

From the menu select File -> Import -> Import to Stage. Select the images that you have decided to use in this tutorial.

Flash Importing Images

The images should now be on the stage.

Positioning the Images

Position the images vertically to the center of the stage. Space them evenly horizontally (leave some space between the images). You can use the align buttons to help you out.

Flash Align

Flash Stage Initial

Converting the Images to Movie Clips

Convert the leftmost image to a movie clip. Name it “My Image 1″ and set the registration point to the left edge.

Convert an Image to Movie Clip

Repeat this step to the rest of the images. Name them “My Image 2″, “My Image 3″ and so on…

Your library should now look like the following.

Flash library

Adding ActionScript 3

Double click the “My Image 1″ movie clip. You should now be “inside” the movie clip. Go ahead and create a new layer called “actions”.

Inside of a Movie Clip

Layer for ActionScript

In the actions layer type the following code.

//Import TweenMax 
import gs.*;
//Set the initial state for this movie clip
TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {alpha: 0.4});
//Add mouse over & out event listeners
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutHandler);
//This function is called when mouse is over this movie clip
function mouseOverHandler(e:Event):void {
//Tween the alpha
TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {alpha: 1});
//This function is called when mouse is out of this movie clip
function mouseOutHandler(e:Event):void {
//Tween the alpha
TweenMax.to(this, 0.5, {alpha: 0.4});

Repeat this step to the rest of the images! We simply add some functionality when the user hovers over an image…

More Movie Clips

Now that we have the individual images all set up, we can start building the infinite gallery. In the main timeline, select all six image movie clips. Convert them to a single movie clip named “Gallery Images”.

Gallery Images Movie Clip

and Still More Movie Clips …

In order to have the illusion of an endless loop of images, we need another instance of “Gallery Images” movie clip on the stage. So drag another “Gallery Images” movie clip on the stage and position it behind the first instance so that they are horizontally aligned.

All Images on Stage

The Last Movie Clip

Select both instances of the “Gallery Images” movie clips that are on the stage. Convert them to a single movie clip named “Infinite Gallery” and set the registration point to the left edge.

Infinite Gallery Movie Clip

Give this movie clip an instance name of “infiniteGallery”.

Infinite Gallery Instance Name

Adding Final ActionScript 3

In the main timeline, create a new layer called “actions”. Type the following code.

//Import TweenMax 
import gs.*;
//Save the horizontal center
var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
//Save the width of the whole gallery
var galleryWidth:Number = infiniteGallery.width;
//Speed of the movement (calculated by the mouse position in the moveGallery() function)
var speed:Number = 0;
//Add an ENTER_FRAME listener for the animation
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveGallery);
function moveGallery(e:Event):void {
//Calculate the new speed
speed = -(0.05 * (mouseX - centerX));
//Update the x coordinate
//Check if we are too far on the right (no more stuff on the left edge)
if (infiniteGallery.x>0) {
//Update the gallery's coordinates
infiniteGallery.x= (-galleryWidth/2);
//Check if we are too far on the left (no more stuff on the right edge)
if (infiniteGallery.x<(-galleryWidth/2)) {
//Update the gallery's coordinates

This code is responsible for the illusion of an infinite loop. We simply check when we are too far on the left or the right side and repostion the “infiniteGallery” movie clip accordingly.

Final words

That’s it for this tutorial. I hoped you enjoyed it and learned some new ways of working with Flash and ActionScript 3. Feel free to download the .fla file to have a closer look. Comments are always welcome!

Download .fla

Movie Clip Follower

This tutorial will teach you how to create a cool animated mouse follower. It’s very easy to change to looks of the follower to fit for your needs!

Note: You need TweenMax in order to complete this tutorial.

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

Creating the Document

First, create a new Flash ActionScript 3 document.

Create a Flash ActionScript 3 Document

Document Settings

Set the stage options to the following.

Flash Document Properties

Creating the Background

With the rectangle tool, create a 400×300 sized rectangle without any stroke. Align it to the center of the stage.

Flash Align

Add a radial fill for the rectangle (left color: #00CCFF, right color: #000000)

Flash Radial Fill

New Layer for the Follower Movie Clip

Create a new layer named “follower”.

Flash New Layer

Create the Follower Movie Clip

In the “follower” layer, draw a white cirle without any stroke. Make it size 25×25. Convert the circle to a movie clip with the following settings.

Flash Convert to Movie Clip

Instance Name

Give the follower movie clip an instance name of “follower”.

Instance Name

Time for the ActionScript 3

Now that we have everything set up on the stage, let’s add some ActionScript to actually make the follower to follow our cursor! Create a new layer called “actions” and type the following.

//Import TweenMax 
import gs.*;
//Listen when the mouse moves
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoves);
//This function is called when the mouse moves
function mouseMoves(e:Event):void {
//Tween the follower movie clip to the cursor's coordinates
TweenMax.to(follower, 0.5 ,{x :mouseX, y: mouseY});

Here we just listen when the mouse moves and when it does, we tween the follower to the cursor’s coordinates. We use TweenMax to make our lives a little easier ;) To add the blurry animation for our mouse follower, type the following code.

//Call the function which tween various properties of the follower 
//This function adds more blur and scales the follower
function up():void {
//Tween the blur
TweenMax.to(follower, 0.5, {blurFilter:{blurX:15, blurY:15}});
//Tween the scale and call the function down() when finished
TweenMax.to(follower, 0.5, {scaleX: 1.5, scaleY:1.5, onComplete: down});
//This function removes blur and scales the follower
function down():void {
//Tween the blur
TweenMax.to(follower, 0.5, {blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//Tween the scale and call the function up() when finished
TweenMax.to(follower, 0.5, {scaleX: 0.5, scaleY:0.5, onComplete: up});

As you can see, all the animation is done in the down() and up() functions. We simply go back and forth between the functions…

Final Words

That’s the end of this tutorial. I hope you enjoyed it and find it useful. Check out the .fla file if you’re still wondering how this works. And you have any questions or trouble, pls post them in the new forum!

Download .fla

Apr 14, 2009

Changing Eyes Color

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to change any person's eyes color.

Step 1: Take an image and drastically alter the person's attitude simply by working with the eyes.

Step 2: Start with a snapshot and either crop out all but the eyes or just zoom in to that portion of the face.
Now, duplicate the Background layer.

Step 3: Now basic re-coloring again, just as a warm up. Let's brighten the whites first. Select the Dodge tool and, with a soft brush and the Range set to Highlights, lighten the white areas of the eyes.

Step 4: Double-click the foreground color and change it to blue, green or whatever tone you like, but here's my choice.

Step 5: Select the Paintbrush. With a round feathered brush and the Mode set to Color, paint out the former hue and replace it with the blue.

Step 6: HmMMMmmMm! I like this effect! Let's try it with a yellow/orange:

Step 7: Now, I want this person to turn nasty, so switch to a red and try it again:

Step 8: Select the Burn Tool with the Options seen in the capture below.

Step 9: Run the tool around the perimeter of the iris and on the skin above, below and around the eyes.

Step 10: To darken things up even more, duplicate this layer and set the Blending Mode to Multiply.

Step 11: To brighten the eyes again, simply add a mask and paint over the irises in the mask with black.