Apr 6, 2009

Modern Preloader with ActionScript 3

In this tutorial I will show you how you can create a modern preloader with ActionScript 3. It is really easy to change the look of the preloader to fit for your needs!

Note: You need TweenMax to fully complete this tutorial.

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

Setting up the environment

1. Download an image that you want to load with the preloader.

2. Create a new Flash document that is the same size with your image.

3. Draw a circle without any stroke. Make it size 10×10. I used a grey fill color.

4. Convert the circle to a movie clip. Name it “PreloaderCircle” and set the registration point to the center.

Preloader Circle

5. Linkage the movie clip to a class named “PreloaderCircle“. If you are unfamiliar with movie clip linkage, please see the “ActionScript 3 External Classes” tutorial.

6. Remove the circle from the stage. We will create and position them with ActionScript 3.

Moving to ActionScript 3

7. Create a new layer for ActionScript and type the following.

//Impor TweenMax 
import gs.*;
//We will add all the preloader circles to a holder movie clip
var holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//This array will contain all the preloader circles
var circles:Array = new Array();
//This for loop creates and positions 5 preloader circles horizontally
for (var i:uint=0; i < 5; i++) {
//Create a new preloader circle
var circle:PreloaderCircle = new PreloaderCircle();
//Set the x position for the circle
circle.x = i * 20;
//Set the "tweened" property to false since we haven't tweened the circle yet
circle.tweened = false;
//Add the circle to the circles array
//Add the circle to the holder
//Add the holder to the stage
//Position the holder to the center of the stage
var holderWidth:Number = holder.width;
var holderHeight:Number = holder.height;
holder.x = stage.stageWidth / 2 - holderWidth / 2;
holder.y = stage.stageHeight / 2 - holderHeight / 2;
//Create a loader which loads the image
var loader = new Loader();
//Let's load the image.
//You can use your own URL here...
loader.load(new URLRequest("my_image.png"));
//Listen for the loading progress
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
//This function is called as the loading progresses
function progressHandler(e:ProgressEvent):void {
//Check how much has been loaded (in percentages)
var loadedPercentage:Number = (e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal) * 100;
//If over 20% is loaded, tween the first circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 20 && ! circles[0].tweened) {
//Tween the circle
TweenMax.to(circles[0], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 40% is loaded, tween the second circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 40 && ! circles[1].tweened) {
//Tween the circle
TweenMax.to(circles[1], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 60% is loaded, tween the third circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 60 && ! circles[2].tweened) {
//Tween the circle
TweenMax.to(circles[2], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If over 80% is loaded, tween the fourth circle if it hasn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage > 80 && ! circles[3].tweened) {
//Tween the circle
TweenMax.to(circles[3], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//If 100% is loaded, tween the fifth circle if it hasnn't been tweened yet.
if (loadedPercentage == 100 && ! circles[4].tweened) {
//Tween the circle and call the function circlesTweened() when the tween is complete (this is the last circle).
TweenMax.to(circles[4], 1, {tint:0xff8800, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}, onComplete: circlesTweened});
//This function is called when the cirlces have been tweened (the image is loaded)
function circlesTweened():void {
//Loop through the circles
for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
//Tween the circles to the left side of the stage.
//Call the function circleLeft() when the tween is finished
TweenMax.to(circles[i], 0.5, {delay: i * 0.1, x: -200, alpha: 0, onComplete: circleLeft, onCompleteParams: [circles[i]]});
//This function is called when a circle is animated to the left side.
function circleLeft(circle:PreloaderCircle):void {
//Remove the circle from the stage
//Check if the circle is the last one (most right)
if (circle == circles[4]) {
//Remove the holder from the stage
//Get the bitmap from the loader
var bm:Bitmap = (Bitmap)(loader.content);
//Add the bitmap to a movie clip holder
var bmHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//Add the bitmap holder to the stage
//Animate the bitmap holder
TweenMax.from(bmHolder, 1, {alpha: 0});

8. You are done, test your movie! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new from it :)

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